Cada vez con más frecuencia me están llegando consultas procedentes de empresarios del sector de las artes gráficas, que están preocupados por el futuro de sus empresas y se están planteando la posibilidad de incorporar el 3D a su portfolio de servicios. Pues bien: Sin ánimo de ser exhaustivo y en la seguridad de que se quedará corto en muy poco tiempo, les copio a continuación lo que hasta la fecha he ido conociendo.
ABC IMAGING (United States, England, Germany, Dubai, China)
"With our state-of-the-art equipment, we print or scan your 3D project, and develop your prototype with accuracy and speed. 3D printing is perfect for architectural models, engineering design, prototypes, city planning and more! If your file is not already prepped for 3D, no worries we will work with your existing CAD files. From scaled replicas to figurines, our team of creative professionals and 3D experts can print your custom models with unrivaled detail and color. Use 3D printing to work out design flaws with your industrial prototypes and avoid costly rework. Don’t have a 3D file? We can work with your 2D files, drawings, or even hand drawn sketches."
ADAEQUO (España)
"Adaequo ha adquirido la primera impresora 3D de gran formato para PLV de la península. La compra de la máquina y los equipos accesorios ha supuesto una inversión de 350.000 euros de la firma. La nueva impresora 3D, instalada en su centro de Montmeló, es capaz de imprimir figuras de hasta 1,50 metros de ancho por 1,80 metros de alto, en tan solo 5 horas. Además, a diferencia de otras máquinas de producción en tres dimensiones, genera estructuras vacías en su interior, hecho que reduce la cantidad de material necesario, el tiempo de producción de las piezas y el peso. Gracias a estas características, y a través de un proceso de pulido y pintado, Adaequo puede crear elementos para PLV de grandes dimensiones y relevante impacto visual. Con esta nueva herramienta, la empresa ofrecerá a sus clientes la posibilidad de crear campañas VIP y totalmente personalizables, reduciendo costes respecto a las técnicas tradicionales."
(Colombia)"AG impresores, somos una compañía con más de 40 años de experiencia en la industria gráfica y litográfica. Contamos con equipo de última tecnología en impresión para tarjetas de presentación, volantes, revistas, catálogos y mucho más. También contamos con equipos de plotter (impresión gran formato) y copiado. Contamos con el servicio de Impresión 3D hecho en material de ABS, nuestros diseñadores son capaces de producir renders en programas de autocad y rhinoceros. Este servicio es ideal para arquitectos, diseñadores, joyeros, odontólogos, estudiantes o cualquier otra persona que desee crear prototipos."
AGA (España)
"¿Quieres plasmar una idea, hacerla viable y sobre todo, hacerla realidad? En AGA contamos con un servicio de diseño desde el que ayudamos a expresar cualquier idea, para materializarla de una forma original, creativa y diferenciadora. Además, con nuestra área de 3D conseguimos que las propuestas cobren un gran realismo."
"Alborada adquiere una nueva impresora 3D. En su afán por innovar constantemente y estar al día de las nuevas tendencias en la industria de la Comunicación Gráfica y Visual, Alborada ha adquirido recientemente una impresora 3D de última generación. Este tipo de máquinas, capaces imprimir figuras con volumen a partir de un diseño realizado por ordenador, se han convertido en una auténtica revolución tecnológica. Se pueden imprimir gran variedad de objetos, desde juguetes, hasta ropa y alimentación, y en muy diversos materiales. Pero tal vez sea la ciencia quien más partido le pueda estar sacando actualmente, ya que se pueden realizar prótesis o reproducir órganos. Esta nueva impresora amplía el abanico de posibilidades para realizar la comunicación de las empresas, ya que se pueden crear nuevos soportes corporativos y promocionales originales, atractivos e innovadores que llamarán, sin ninguna duda, la atención de los clientes. Sin ninguna duda, el lanzamiento de estas impresoras ha sido una auténtica revolución, ya que solo hay que imaginar un artículo, para en poco tiempo, se pueda tener entre las manos."
ANDESIGN (United Kingdom)
"Commercial 3D Printing. Large Format 3D Print. 3D Signage. 3D Models. THERE HASN'T BEEN SUCH A REVOLUTION IN THIS INDUSTRY SINCE THE PRINTING PRESS WAS INVENTED in 1440 and with our 3D printer there is now no object on Earth that we cannot print. We've been at the forefront of innovation and technology for years and have now happily invested in Large Format 3D Printing and finishing technologies such as thermoforming so that we are no longer limited by imagination- we can go way, way, way beyond that. The introduction of large format 3D printing allows us to create complex shapes for signage and other suitable applications which were traditionally unachievable, prohibitively expensive or mindbogglingly complex. Large Format 3D printing allows for the production of complex three-dimensional shapes which can be reproduced at any time. Prior to printing, a digital 3D model is created in 3D design software to the exact dimensions required. This allows for a preliminary proofing of the model before production begins. The 3D model is then reproduced on our Large Format 3D Printer at the fastest production speeds imaginable."
"Somos expertos en visualización 3D de arquitectura y prototipos. Y dado que la expresión gráfica de cada proyecto o estudio es distinta, ofrecemos distintos tipos de acabados: hiperrealistas, conceptuales, volumétricos o detallados. También realizamos la postproducción (Arte digital) de las infografías que realizamos. Para llevar a cabo todos estos procesos, en el estudio contamos con profesionales de la arquitectura, diseño y audiovisual, capaces de utilizar programas de modelado como: Autocad 3D, ArchiCAD, Grasshoper, Revit, Rhinoceros, Skecht-up… y motores de renderizado como 3D Studio, Artlantis, Octane, Vray... y por último realizamos la Post-producción con After Effects y Photoshop."
AUROS (Colombia)
AZO PRINT (United Kingdom)!3d-printing/c6zu
"AND NOW WE REALLY DO PRINT EVERYTHING! Want an EIffel tower? a dog? a labyrinth? a ball? An architectural model? an Iphone holder? Get the picture? Well we can print anything! Just send us your printable 3D file and we will turn your pixels into plastic (PLA to be precise) the process is really simple. We take your file, do a few clever calculations and from that we are able to work out the time it will take to build your model. We charge a flat rate based on the hours it takes to build your object, we agree the price with you and that's it. No mystery and no hidden extras. If you don't have a 3D file but would like to try out the technology then we've got a few models which we can build for you here in-store! Pop in whenever!"
"There has been tremendous amount of talk about 3D printing. You can’t look at a publication or barely turn on the TV without seeing something about 3D printing. (...) We thought 3D printing might be kind of a natural for us.(...) We’re not daunted by the 3D technology, really it’s no big deal for us. (...) We’re very comfortable doing things same day, next day, two days. That doesn’t intimidate us at all, so when people call us about 3D project we have that mindset; we’re ready to put that in production in basically minutes."
"Con más de 14 años trabajando en los sectores del diseño gráfico, diseño web, diseño multimedia, diseño industrial, publicidad y comunicación, hemos realizado cientos de proyectos de todos los tamaños y sectores profesionales, y ahora sabemos lo que funciona y lo que no en cada caso y cuales son sus necesidades reales, y podremos asesorarle sobre las mejores opciones para cada una de sus necesidades en estos campos. Uno de los procesos más demandados en el campo del diseño industrial es el estudio y modelado de elementos 3D para la ayuda en la toma de decisiones. Construimos y damos forma, mediante maquetas digitales-infografías, en 2D y 3D a proyectos de todo tipo."
"Durante toda nuestra historia los apuntes de medicina han sido nuestro producto estrella. Nuestros servicios de impresión engloban: Impresión digital, Impresión 3D, Cartelería, Flyers, Tarjetas de Visita."
"You can finally have that super-sized, crowd-stopping display quickly and easily. Even detailed props and artistic interior design pieces are totally possible with the end-to-end service that Camad can provide you."
CARISMA (United States)
"Massivit 3D Printing Technologies announces the successful end of installation of its groundbreaking Massivit 1800 3D printer at Carisma Large Format Printing in Brooklyn New York. Massivit 1800, a super-fast super-sized 3D printer is set to transform the way special marketing, advertising & themed environments are created. With output speeds incomparable to anything else in the 3D printing industry."
"Empresa de la Industria Gráfica Colombiana, con más de 29 años de presencia en el mercado de las artes gráficas. En Cedro manejamos diversas tecnologías de impresión 3D."
"3D printing has a lot to offer. When the right 3D design is combined with the talented printing capabilities and experienced finishing techniques here at Composite Images, fantastic results are achieved. 3D advertising and promotions have five times the stopping power of 2D advertising”
COPIPLAN (Uruguay)
"Impresión 3D: Llegó la impresora 3D a Copiplan! Conocela en nuestra Sucursal de Pocitos de 9 a 22 horas de lunes a viernes. El precio se calcula por el peso de lo que se vaya a imprimir. Los archivos de impresión tienen que estar en STL y la impresión máxima es de 24.6 cm x 16.3 cm x 15.5 cm. Ahora podes darle forma a lo que quieras. Te esperamos."
COPY PLUS (United Kingdom)
"Don Imprento es una imprenta eficiente que garantiza resultados de máxima calidad y está comprometida con sus clientes. Nuestras instalaciones están en Sabadell, en la provincia de Barcelona, y están equipadas con todo lo necesario para poder realizar nuestro trabajo con total calidad, seguridad y eficacia. Don Imprento es especial porque destacamos en la atención al publico, diseño gráfico, fotografía y retoque fotográfico, y servicios innovadores como la impresión 3D."
"If you would like a 3D visual for your next client meeting, design review, or even client gift, we'd be happy to explain the ins and outs of printing in 3D and help you get started. We offer 3D model printing in full color. Additionally, we can make models in sections to create a larger finished product or incorporate special features like a removable roof."
EGM (España)
"La innovadora tecnología CGI en 3D aporta una gran ventaja para la comunicación publicitaria y el Marketing. CGI es la más innovadora forma de generar imágenes en 3D por ordenador mediante un sofisticado software de alta precisión."
EL CANDIL 3D (España)
"La impresión de objetos tridimensionales (3D) es un avance tecnológico que, poco a poco y debido a la paulatina reducción de los costes de equipos y servicios, se está introduciendo en nuestra vida cotidiana. La demanda cada día mayor del objeto personalizado que se diferencia de la producción masiva, la tendencia al DIY (hágalo usted mismo) y las enormes aplicaciones que tiene en el campo de la educación, la ingeniería, la arquitectura o la medicina, hacen de la IMPRESION 3D una actividad de un interés creciente en la sociedad. EL CANDIL 3D nace para dar respuesta a estas inquietudes desde el punto de vista del usuario privado o la pequeña y mediana empresa. Aquellos que demandan no sólo unos equipos y servicios de calidad a un precio competitivo si no, tambien, una atención personalizada y cercana que les ayude a entrar en esta nueva tecnolgía de una forma fácil y segura."
Entire Imaging Solutions has been in business since 1968. They offer all of the "traditional" reprographic services such as printing, scanning, color printing and digital press in addition to their latest offering of 3D printing services.
ES Digital (Israel)
"ES Digital is an innovative and leading Israeli powerhouse specializing in wide format digital printing, visual merchandising, point of sale (POS) branding and signage. (...) ES Digital has acquired an innovative and unique Israeli development: A large format 3D printer – a product that is exclusive and unprecedented in the 3D world. The printer transforms 3D computer designs into an actual product, up to 1.8m (5'11") high! This groundbreaking printer enables ES Digital to continue to lead in innovation and to provide a creative response to customers, also in 3D domain, particularly in the fields of point of sale branding and visual merchandising."
"Impresión 3D full color. Stratasys J750 de Estudios Durero. Ya es posible imprimir en 3D con más de 360.000 colores, con materiales rígidos y flexibles, con blanco y con transparencias para conseguir variaciones de tono y opacidad… Ahora que la impresión 3D también habla de color, de brillo, de matices, de acabados, de suavidad, de elasticidad, de textura… y de alta resolución, ha llegado el momento de hacerle un hueco en Estudios Durero."
FT SOLUTIONS (United Kingdom)
"To stay at the forefront of printing technology for our wide client base the company has formed FT3D, a division dedicated to 3D print - how it can be used now and in the future."
GB DRUCK AG (Schweiz)
"GraficMaker es una empresa especializada en la impresión digital,rotulación, publicidad, diseño gráfico el diseño 3D, el diseño CAD e impresión 3D"
"Somos una empresa joven, dedicada a la creatividad en todas sus ramas: diseño web, diseño gráfico, impresión, etc. Estamos en constante evolución para adaptarnos a los nuevos tiempos del diseño y artes gráficas." (...) "HachePublicidad le facilita un servicio integral adecuado en diseño 3D para su presentación en una web, catálogo impreso, etc. Mostrando de un modo diferente su producto o servicio; enriqueciendo los contenidos de su sitio en Internet; haciendo su presentación de ventas más poderosa visualmente; en definitiva dando un diseño distinto y personalizado a su proyecto gracias al diseño 3D."
"We are the largest UK independent reprographics company with 26 branches and over 330 employees nationwide and have a group turnover of +£25m. We are proud to be the only reprographics company to hold a Royal Warrant for services to the Royal Household. Since we started in 1969, we've served companies from the small independent, to the large corporation, across all industry sectors. Whether printing invitations for an individual's special occasion, producing materials for national exhibitions, or creating pitch documents for multi-million pound bids, every Hobs customer can be sure they'll benefit from our fast and efficient service and expertise. (...) With a large selection of rapid prototyping technologies at our disposal we can 3D print accurate, colour and detailed scaled models in various durable materials. With over ten years of experience in 3D printing models for the architectural and design industry we are confident that we can produce any 3D model. (...) Should you not have a 3D file for print our experienced CAD team can convert your 2D drawings or laser scanned 'point cloud' data, enabling you to visualise your design in 3D and further enhance your presentations, whether at conceptual or marketing stage."
"Hologram es un estudio de diseño gráfico e impresión digital especializado en dar todo tipo de soluciones gráficas, desde el primer diseño, hasta el acabado final pasando por la impresión. Además hemos adaptado la nueva tecnología de impresión y diseño 3D, lo que nos abre un gran abanico de posibilidades para particulares y negocios. En hologram abarcamos un gran campo dentro de las artes gráficas pues aunamos las artes gráficas convencionales (diseño gráfico, impresión láser, gran formato, tarjetas, folletos…) con la tecnología 3D (Diseño e impresión 3D) pudiendo representar su idea no sólo en el papel, sino en el espacio, dando un mejor servicio y asesoramiento para dotar al diseño y producto final de calidad y originalidad."
KWIK KOPY (Australia)
We can manage your 3D print job from start to finish including:
3D Scanning
If you’ve got something in mind already we can create exact replicas of almost any object OR we can coordinate a high resolution photography shoot of an object to be replicated.
3D Design
We can start with initial concepts and build a 3D printing ready file.
3D Print
We can produce your design in 3D using a variety of materials and sizes, the possibilities are endless.
3D print is a specialised service and is currently available at:
Kwik Kopy Bondi Junction
Shop 2, 64 Bronte Road
Bondi Junction NSW 2022
Ph: (02) 9389 3199
LITOGI (Italia)
"Dinamici e sempre alla ricerca di nuove soluzioni, trasformiamo la vostra idea in carta stampata fornendo su ogni prodotto la soluzione ottimale di stampa per qualità e prezzo. (...) Realizzazione di oggetti con polveri plastiche legate con materiali acrilici o stampa a filamento plastico; indicato per la realizzazione di prototipi industriali."
"El desarrollo e innovación constante tanto a nivel humano como tecnológico y los veinte años de experiencia en el sector de la fotomecánica e impresión, nos han colocado en el mercado como un referente en el servicio integral de las artes gráficas en Bilbao (Bizkaia). Disponemos en nuestras instalaciones de los últimos medios para el desarrollo y ejecución de cualquier producto impreso. Disponemos de una amplia gama de soluciones en modelado 3D para su desarrollo en medios publicitarios"

"Nacimos en 1998, con una vocación inicial de complementar a otras empresas del grupo que, abrumadas por los continuos avances tecnológicos tenían la necesidad de mejorar su oferta en reprografía e impresión digital. (...) A menudo nos hemos encontrado que teníamos que poner en marcha la publicidad de un lanzamiento y el producto todavía estaba en fase de fabricación, es entonces cuando el 3D nos ha resultado muy útil para mostrar al cliente el aspecto final del trabajo, añadir efectos y perspectivas imposibles, e incluso realizar visitas virtuales animadas."
MICANS (Argentina)
"Contamos con 3 impresoras de distintas características. Un vaporizador de grandes dimensiones para pulir superficies y dar terminaciones perfectas."
MP REPRO (Canada)
"MP Repro offre une gamme complète de solutions d’impression à valeur ajoutée. En combinant un équipement de pointe, une expertise en impression sur toutes surfaces, et un service de livraison rapide et personnalisé, nous sommes un partenaire de choix pour tout projet d’impression. MP Repro est devenu un chef de file dans le service d’impression en 3D et dans le découpage CNC pour les modèles en 3D. Nos techniciens hautement qualifiés emploient la technologie la plus récente afin d’apporter des solutions 3D personnalisées et innovatrices aux entreprises et aux particuliers œuvrant dans les domaines du design industriel, de la fabrication, de l’ingénierie, de la construction, de l’architecture, des soins de santé et autres domaines connexes."
"NRI provides technology, data management and integrated digital document management solutions to businesses of all types, using state-of-the-art proprietary technology, at client sites and in our production centers. Balancing model-making artistry and expertise in various fabrication technologies, NRI's 3D Labs offer the beginner and advanced 3D designer the ability to transform their computer-generated models into real, physical objects. Using our 3D solutions gives you more time to work on design innovation and reduces time spent on fabrication."
OEDIM (España)
"Oedim SL es una sociedad 100% Española que cuenta con una experiencia de mas de 19 años en impresión digital de gran formato. Nuestra planta de producción de 11.000 m2 se encuentra en Jaén y dispone de la tecnología mas innovadora apoyada por un equipo humano de mas de 50 profesionales. Imprimimos y fabricamos el 100% de lo que vendemos a través de nuestra plataforma online Colaboramos estrechamente con otros profesionales del sector para realizar grandes campañas de manera conjunta en el mínimo plazo posible. Si necesitas un Partner de Impresión Digital en Gran Formato, puedes confiar en nosotros."
"Maintain a professional image with our wide range of personal and business print services. Take the hard work out of ordering by using our online DIY products or talk to a print specialist today about your needs. (...) 3D Printing is an exciting technology that lets you bring your creative ideas to life in three dimensions. Whether you need an object scanned or printed in 3D. Officeworks is here to help."
"OneLevel Studios offers graphic design, web design, premium full color printing and 3D printing services with fast turnarounds at competitive prices. Our goal is to become a major player in the 3D Marketing industry which uses 3D scanning, 3D design and digital production techniques such as 3D printers to create new tangible marketing materials. We specialize in creating custom 3D printed marketing items such as: Promotional Items, Presentation Pieces and Giveaways. For the last few years we have been exploring new ways of bringing the latest innovations to our clients with 3D Printing technology."
PIXOPERFECT (United States & Canada)
"PixoPerfect offers quality print products at an affordable rate, backed by over 20 years of commercial printing. Our team of experienced designers can help you achieve your goal with any creative design project. If you are a hobbyist, inventor, educator, or a manufacturer, 3D printing is the ideal solution for you. 3D printing technology has revolutionized industries and changes the way people create things. 3D printing is the future and we are fully invested in it. Now you can have your three dimensional object printed online without investing in any equipment. Just send your STL file to us and we print them up for you and ship it directly to you. We use state of the art 3D printing equipment and FDM technology (Fused Deposition Modeling) to builds your objects from top to bottom by extruding heated thermoplastic filament layer by layer. The possibilities are endless when it comes to 3D printing. "
PRINTOSTAT (United States)
"For more than 60 years, Print-O-Stat has been the leading provider of products and services for a variety of businesses, including Construction, Architecture, Engineering, Manufacturing, Design, and many others both large and small. Headquartered in York, Pennsylvania, Print-O-Stat has eleven locations to serve its clients in the Mid-Atlantic Region. Our company is a third generation family-owned and operated organization. (...) With today's quickening pace of getting products and designs to customers faster than ever before, isn't it comforting to know that you now have the ability to get your ideas out of your 3D software and produce functional 3D models that can be easily shared, critiqued, and improved. Our 3D Modeling / Printing Service provides just that capability. Enabling anyone, from engineers to architects, who design in the 3D world, to benefit from this service. (...) The 3D models give the clients a hands-on feel and visual representation that cannot be illustrated by renderings alone. (...) Our service enables companies who have low volume needs of 3D printing to avoid purchasing and maintaining their own equipment. (...) All that is required of you is a simple outputted STL file format from your 3D file."
Pro3D (Chile)
"Somos una empresa dedicada al diseño gráfico, principalmente imagen corporativa y papelería, impresión de materiales gráficos como: trípticos, dípticos, flyers, afiches, tarjetas de presentación, invitaciones, libros de fotos (photo book), corte de vinilos y recuerdos, además hacemos encuadernaciones encoladas, cosidas y anilladas. Realizamos merchandising para empresas, como agendas, magnéticos, llaveros, adhesivos, bolsas serigrafiadas, calendarios, etc. También contamos con prototipado rápido por medio de impresión 3d, ploteo de planos e imágenes de gran escala, impresión láser y tinta."
"3D PRINTING. Traditional prototyping is expensive and time consuming. We utilize today’s latest technology to produce accurate and durable models and prototypes in record time. Designers are able to systematically eliminate many common causes of errors which help reduce costs and keep project budgets and timelines on track. Improve communication between design and production. Make decisions faster by reviewing tangible objects. Identify form, fit, function and error of a product. Create sample parts out of less expensive material before committing to final product. Reduce development costs and improve speed to market.
Models/Prototypes/Custom-fit working parts."
REPROHAUS (United States)
"The advantage of 3-D printing your high-definition models means you no longer have to wait for prototypes. Color models communicate more information than any other type of rapid prototype, providing you with a strategic advantage in product development. With the latest technology, you will receive the most accurate representation of your 3-D data available in the market today. Realistic color models communicate more information than any other type of rapid prototype, providing you with a strategic advantage distinguishing your ideas and communicating them effectively."
"Servicios de impresión 3D e impresión digital en Zaragoza. En Lusar Reprográficas y Lusar 3D ofrecemos todos los servicios de impresión disponibles. Con más de 20 años de experiencia, somos pioneros en Aragón. Descubre todos nuestros servicios y no dudes en contactarnos ante cualquier duda o petición. Ofrecemos servicios a particulares y a empresas de todos los sectores. Estamos en el centro de Zaragoza."
RICHA GRAPHICS (United States)
"We have become the leader in Digital Printing and Reproduction Services in Charlotte. Visit one of our three locations today and see how Richa can help you with all of your printing and copying needs. (...) From visual 3D renderings, walk-through animations, and 3D printing of architectural models, prototypes and topographies, Richa is your one stop firm for all of your 3D needs. (...) Rapid 3D printing of high-definition models means you no longer have to wait for prototypes. (...) Richa can take your CAD file and amend it into a printable 3D file to produce a prototype that your design team can review. (...) Richa Graphics still finds 3D to be a phenomenon that plays with our imaginations. From creating abstract 3D art company logos and even inanimate objects, Richa will be glad to join you in your own endeavour with your imagination. Richa would be proud to assist you with your personal 3D vision, as learning is a process that we find the most valuable in what we do."
SERICUM (España)
Calle Ebro 33
28840 Mejorada del Campo
Madrid, Spain
TEL. +34 916 713 502
FAX +34 916 740 329
Teléfono: 938 37 12 38
STAPLES (United States)
"This is a great addition for our business customers that are looking for an easy way to prototype with quick turnaround time, and at an affordable price. (Behzad Soltani, Staples vice president of eCommerce services)."
STYLO GRAPHICS (United Kingdom)
THE COLOR COMPANY (United Kingdom)
"3D printing is making profound changes across industries including fashion and consumer goods, computer games and toys, medical devices and reconstructive surgery. The Color Company are the first printers to bring 3D printing to the high street in London, making it more accessible. 3D print is ideal for the rapid prototyping needs of companies producing Consumer Goods and Electronics, Medical Devices as well as Rapid Prototyping Service Bureaus and Design Consultancies. For Engineers or Designers to enable the successful delivery of product concept to creation, our 3D printing solution can easily make Concept Models for reviewing designs in 3D and finding errors early, Presentation Models for marketing photos, packaging development, etc., and Fit/Form/Function Models for ergonomic tests and prototyping"
"3D imaging can change the way we print and view imagery, whether it be a work of art or an eye-grabbing piece of marketing. Imagine a vivid image that you can feel, that is as rich in color as its textures. This is now a new possibility with the latest in textured printing, using the most recent advancements in 3D technology."

"The Printing House Ltd is very excited to be at the forefront of this emerging technology; our involvement in this space demonstrates our belief that 3D printing technologies now make it possible for every business to quickly and affordably render ideas, develop new products and prototypes, or even bring legacy parts back to life. With our 3D capabilities and the help of our in-house specialists, if you can imagine it, we can make it." (Jamie O'Born, TPH® President)
THE UPS STORE (United States)
"The UPS Store® concept was introduced in 1980 as Mail Boxes Etc.® -a convenient alternative to the post office. Throughout its evolution, it has continued to define and lead the business services category it created. In 2001, UPS® acquired Mail Boxes Etc., Inc. In 2003, the two companies introduced The UPS Store® brand. On April 7, 2003, approximately 3,000 Mail Boxes Etc. locations in the United States (at the time, nearly 90% of the domestic U.S. network) re-branded as The UPS Store and began offering lower (around 20% on average) UPS-direct shipping rates. In 2012, Mail Boxes Etc., Inc. became The UPS Store, Inc. The centers remain locally owned and operated, and continue to offer a variety of packing, shipping, freight, postal, printing and business services, with convenient locations and world-class service. (...) Let your ideas take shape with 3D printing. You can use 3D printing for prototypes or one-of-a-kind items. Let The UPS Store® bring your ideas to life. We can even use your 3D CAD file. (...) Our 3D printers can create complex parts so you are not dependent on a CNC machine. (...) Most items that are smaller than a breadbox and can be made out of single color of plastic are perfect for 3D printing. (...) You can work in just about any 3D architectural design program and then export to common 3D CAD file types. (...) The UPS Store continues to expand 3D printing services nationwide to meet the growing demands of its small business customers. 3D printing now available at more than 60 The UPS Store locations!"
TYCO PRINTING (United States)
"Michael Iannuzzi opened TYCO's doors in 1971. While TYCO initially focused on serving the academic community, it has grown into a full service copying and printing facility capable of providing a wide range of services. TYCO's client base has also grown over the years and now includes a host of professionals from all areas of business, academia and many individuals throughout New Haven and greater Connecticut."
WARWICK PRINT (United Kingdom)
"3D printing is the next big technological innovation. To help you stay ahead of the game, Warwick Print now provide a 3D printing facility. How do I place an order? Firstly you will need to provide a 3D model of the object you would like to print. Working with STL files, a universal format supported by most 3D software packages, you can create your own or find models other people have made at one of several online resources. Once you have the STL files, proceed to the instant quote page, upload your files and add to cart and checkout."
WePrint (Ireland)
" was created to make ordering your printing and promotional material easier than ever before. Our online printing store makes it quick and easy to order flyers, business cards, brochures, booklets, stationery, advertising and party banners, wedding invitations, memorial cards and lots more, we provide a full range of products for both business and personal use. (...) Our specialised 3D printing service includes SLA ( Stereolithography ) Printing, Photopolymer Printing and Metal Cusing."
1001FA IMPRESION (España)
"1001FA se constituye en 1983, para ofrecer sus servicios de reprografía a empresas y particulares. (...) 1001FA comenzó su trayectoria profesional en el mundo de las artes gráficas, pasando por constantes cambios intentando siempre mantener nuestros sistemas actualizados adaptándonos a los tiempos y así hemos procedido en los últimos 15 años hasta incorporar la impresión digital. (...) Somos una empresa pionera en la impresión 3d profesional. Comprendiendo que cada cliente es único. Damos soluciones innovadores a cualquier negocio o particular."
16 Print (United Kingdom)
4 COLORES (España)
"Gracias a las impresoras 3D podemos realizar de forma sencilla todo aquello que desee en plástico de gran resistencia, ya sea una sola pieza o varias, según las dimensiones de su proyecto."
ABC IMAGING (United States, England, Germany, Dubai, China)
"With our state-of-the-art equipment, we print or scan your 3D project, and develop your prototype with accuracy and speed. 3D printing is perfect for architectural models, engineering design, prototypes, city planning and more! If your file is not already prepped for 3D, no worries we will work with your existing CAD files. From scaled replicas to figurines, our team of creative professionals and 3D experts can print your custom models with unrivaled detail and color. Use 3D printing to work out design flaws with your industrial prototypes and avoid costly rework. Don’t have a 3D file? We can work with your 2D files, drawings, or even hand drawn sketches."
ADAEQUO (España)
"Adaequo ha adquirido la primera impresora 3D de gran formato para PLV de la península. La compra de la máquina y los equipos accesorios ha supuesto una inversión de 350.000 euros de la firma. La nueva impresora 3D, instalada en su centro de Montmeló, es capaz de imprimir figuras de hasta 1,50 metros de ancho por 1,80 metros de alto, en tan solo 5 horas. Además, a diferencia de otras máquinas de producción en tres dimensiones, genera estructuras vacías en su interior, hecho que reduce la cantidad de material necesario, el tiempo de producción de las piezas y el peso. Gracias a estas características, y a través de un proceso de pulido y pintado, Adaequo puede crear elementos para PLV de grandes dimensiones y relevante impacto visual. Con esta nueva herramienta, la empresa ofrecerá a sus clientes la posibilidad de crear campañas VIP y totalmente personalizables, reduciendo costes respecto a las técnicas tradicionales."
(Colombia)"AG impresores, somos una compañía con más de 40 años de experiencia en la industria gráfica y litográfica. Contamos con equipo de última tecnología en impresión para tarjetas de presentación, volantes, revistas, catálogos y mucho más. También contamos con equipos de plotter (impresión gran formato) y copiado. Contamos con el servicio de Impresión 3D hecho en material de ABS, nuestros diseñadores son capaces de producir renders en programas de autocad y rhinoceros. Este servicio es ideal para arquitectos, diseñadores, joyeros, odontólogos, estudiantes o cualquier otra persona que desee crear prototipos."
AGA (España)
"¿Quieres plasmar una idea, hacerla viable y sobre todo, hacerla realidad? En AGA contamos con un servicio de diseño desde el que ayudamos a expresar cualquier idea, para materializarla de una forma original, creativa y diferenciadora. Además, con nuestra área de 3D conseguimos que las propuestas cobren un gran realismo."
"Alborada adquiere una nueva impresora 3D. En su afán por innovar constantemente y estar al día de las nuevas tendencias en la industria de la Comunicación Gráfica y Visual, Alborada ha adquirido recientemente una impresora 3D de última generación. Este tipo de máquinas, capaces imprimir figuras con volumen a partir de un diseño realizado por ordenador, se han convertido en una auténtica revolución tecnológica. Se pueden imprimir gran variedad de objetos, desde juguetes, hasta ropa y alimentación, y en muy diversos materiales. Pero tal vez sea la ciencia quien más partido le pueda estar sacando actualmente, ya que se pueden realizar prótesis o reproducir órganos. Esta nueva impresora amplía el abanico de posibilidades para realizar la comunicación de las empresas, ya que se pueden crear nuevos soportes corporativos y promocionales originales, atractivos e innovadores que llamarán, sin ninguna duda, la atención de los clientes. Sin ninguna duda, el lanzamiento de estas impresoras ha sido una auténtica revolución, ya que solo hay que imaginar un artículo, para en poco tiempo, se pueda tener entre las manos."
ANDESIGN (United Kingdom)
"Commercial 3D Printing. Large Format 3D Print. 3D Signage. 3D Models. THERE HASN'T BEEN SUCH A REVOLUTION IN THIS INDUSTRY SINCE THE PRINTING PRESS WAS INVENTED in 1440 and with our 3D printer there is now no object on Earth that we cannot print. We've been at the forefront of innovation and technology for years and have now happily invested in Large Format 3D Printing and finishing technologies such as thermoforming so that we are no longer limited by imagination- we can go way, way, way beyond that. The introduction of large format 3D printing allows us to create complex shapes for signage and other suitable applications which were traditionally unachievable, prohibitively expensive or mindbogglingly complex. Large Format 3D printing allows for the production of complex three-dimensional shapes which can be reproduced at any time. Prior to printing, a digital 3D model is created in 3D design software to the exact dimensions required. This allows for a preliminary proofing of the model before production begins. The 3D model is then reproduced on our Large Format 3D Printer at the fastest production speeds imaginable."
"Somos expertos en visualización 3D de arquitectura y prototipos. Y dado que la expresión gráfica de cada proyecto o estudio es distinta, ofrecemos distintos tipos de acabados: hiperrealistas, conceptuales, volumétricos o detallados. También realizamos la postproducción (Arte digital) de las infografías que realizamos. Para llevar a cabo todos estos procesos, en el estudio contamos con profesionales de la arquitectura, diseño y audiovisual, capaces de utilizar programas de modelado como: Autocad 3D, ArchiCAD, Grasshoper, Revit, Rhinoceros, Skecht-up… y motores de renderizado como 3D Studio, Artlantis, Octane, Vray... y por último realizamos la Post-producción con After Effects y Photoshop."
AUROS (Colombia)
AZO PRINT (United Kingdom)!3d-printing/c6zu
"AND NOW WE REALLY DO PRINT EVERYTHING! Want an EIffel tower? a dog? a labyrinth? a ball? An architectural model? an Iphone holder? Get the picture? Well we can print anything! Just send us your printable 3D file and we will turn your pixels into plastic (PLA to be precise) the process is really simple. We take your file, do a few clever calculations and from that we are able to work out the time it will take to build your model. We charge a flat rate based on the hours it takes to build your object, we agree the price with you and that's it. No mystery and no hidden extras. If you don't have a 3D file but would like to try out the technology then we've got a few models which we can build for you here in-store! Pop in whenever!"

"Print, Copy, Scan & Fax Services and 3D Printing!"
"There has been tremendous amount of talk about 3D printing. You can’t look at a publication or barely turn on the TV without seeing something about 3D printing. (...) We thought 3D printing might be kind of a natural for us.(...) We’re not daunted by the 3D technology, really it’s no big deal for us. (...) We’re very comfortable doing things same day, next day, two days. That doesn’t intimidate us at all, so when people call us about 3D project we have that mindset; we’re ready to put that in production in basically minutes."
"Con más de 14 años trabajando en los sectores del diseño gráfico, diseño web, diseño multimedia, diseño industrial, publicidad y comunicación, hemos realizado cientos de proyectos de todos los tamaños y sectores profesionales, y ahora sabemos lo que funciona y lo que no en cada caso y cuales son sus necesidades reales, y podremos asesorarle sobre las mejores opciones para cada una de sus necesidades en estos campos. Uno de los procesos más demandados en el campo del diseño industrial es el estudio y modelado de elementos 3D para la ayuda en la toma de decisiones. Construimos y damos forma, mediante maquetas digitales-infografías, en 2D y 3D a proyectos de todo tipo."
"Durante toda nuestra historia los apuntes de medicina han sido nuestro producto estrella. Nuestros servicios de impresión engloban: Impresión digital, Impresión 3D, Cartelería, Flyers, Tarjetas de Visita."
"You can finally have that super-sized, crowd-stopping display quickly and easily. Even detailed props and artistic interior design pieces are totally possible with the end-to-end service that Camad can provide you."
CARISMA (United States)
"Massivit 3D Printing Technologies announces the successful end of installation of its groundbreaking Massivit 1800 3D printer at Carisma Large Format Printing in Brooklyn New York. Massivit 1800, a super-fast super-sized 3D printer is set to transform the way special marketing, advertising & themed environments are created. With output speeds incomparable to anything else in the 3D printing industry."
"Empresa de la Industria Gráfica Colombiana, con más de 29 años de presencia en el mercado de las artes gráficas. En Cedro manejamos diversas tecnologías de impresión 3D."
"3D printing has a lot to offer. When the right 3D design is combined with the talented printing capabilities and experienced finishing techniques here at Composite Images, fantastic results are achieved. 3D advertising and promotions have five times the stopping power of 2D advertising”
COPIPLAN (Uruguay)
"Impresión 3D: Llegó la impresora 3D a Copiplan! Conocela en nuestra Sucursal de Pocitos de 9 a 22 horas de lunes a viernes. El precio se calcula por el peso de lo que se vaya a imprimir. Los archivos de impresión tienen que estar en STL y la impresión máxima es de 24.6 cm x 16.3 cm x 15.5 cm. Ahora podes darle forma a lo que quieras. Te esperamos."
COPY PLUS (United Kingdom)
"Don Imprento es una imprenta eficiente que garantiza resultados de máxima calidad y está comprometida con sus clientes. Nuestras instalaciones están en Sabadell, en la provincia de Barcelona, y están equipadas con todo lo necesario para poder realizar nuestro trabajo con total calidad, seguridad y eficacia. Don Imprento es especial porque destacamos en la atención al publico, diseño gráfico, fotografía y retoque fotográfico, y servicios innovadores como la impresión 3D."
"If you would like a 3D visual for your next client meeting, design review, or even client gift, we'd be happy to explain the ins and outs of printing in 3D and help you get started. We offer 3D model printing in full color. Additionally, we can make models in sections to create a larger finished product or incorporate special features like a removable roof."
EGM (España)
"La innovadora tecnología CGI en 3D aporta una gran ventaja para la comunicación publicitaria y el Marketing. CGI es la más innovadora forma de generar imágenes en 3D por ordenador mediante un sofisticado software de alta precisión."
EL CANDIL 3D (España)
"La impresión de objetos tridimensionales (3D) es un avance tecnológico que, poco a poco y debido a la paulatina reducción de los costes de equipos y servicios, se está introduciendo en nuestra vida cotidiana. La demanda cada día mayor del objeto personalizado que se diferencia de la producción masiva, la tendencia al DIY (hágalo usted mismo) y las enormes aplicaciones que tiene en el campo de la educación, la ingeniería, la arquitectura o la medicina, hacen de la IMPRESION 3D una actividad de un interés creciente en la sociedad. EL CANDIL 3D nace para dar respuesta a estas inquietudes desde el punto de vista del usuario privado o la pequeña y mediana empresa. Aquellos que demandan no sólo unos equipos y servicios de calidad a un precio competitivo si no, tambien, una atención personalizada y cercana que les ayude a entrar en esta nueva tecnolgía de una forma fácil y segura."
Entire Imaging Solutions has been in business since 1968. They offer all of the "traditional" reprographic services such as printing, scanning, color printing and digital press in addition to their latest offering of 3D printing services.
ES Digital (Israel)
"ES Digital is an innovative and leading Israeli powerhouse specializing in wide format digital printing, visual merchandising, point of sale (POS) branding and signage. (...) ES Digital has acquired an innovative and unique Israeli development: A large format 3D printer – a product that is exclusive and unprecedented in the 3D world. The printer transforms 3D computer designs into an actual product, up to 1.8m (5'11") high! This groundbreaking printer enables ES Digital to continue to lead in innovation and to provide a creative response to customers, also in 3D domain, particularly in the fields of point of sale branding and visual merchandising."
"Impresión 3D full color. Stratasys J750 de Estudios Durero. Ya es posible imprimir en 3D con más de 360.000 colores, con materiales rígidos y flexibles, con blanco y con transparencias para conseguir variaciones de tono y opacidad… Ahora que la impresión 3D también habla de color, de brillo, de matices, de acabados, de suavidad, de elasticidad, de textura… y de alta resolución, ha llegado el momento de hacerle un hueco en Estudios Durero."
FT SOLUTIONS (United Kingdom)
"To stay at the forefront of printing technology for our wide client base the company has formed FT3D, a division dedicated to 3D print - how it can be used now and in the future."
GB DRUCK AG (Schweiz)
"Verwirklichen Sie Ihren Traum vom Drucken in der dritten Dimension: Modellhäuser (Architektur), Landschafts- und Stadtmodelle, Minifiguren (Selbstportraits), Logos, Funktionsprototypen, Awards, U.V.A."
"GraficMaker es una empresa especializada en la impresión digital,rotulación, publicidad, diseño gráfico el diseño 3D, el diseño CAD e impresión 3D"
"Somos una empresa joven, dedicada a la creatividad en todas sus ramas: diseño web, diseño gráfico, impresión, etc. Estamos en constante evolución para adaptarnos a los nuevos tiempos del diseño y artes gráficas." (...) "HachePublicidad le facilita un servicio integral adecuado en diseño 3D para su presentación en una web, catálogo impreso, etc. Mostrando de un modo diferente su producto o servicio; enriqueciendo los contenidos de su sitio en Internet; haciendo su presentación de ventas más poderosa visualmente; en definitiva dando un diseño distinto y personalizado a su proyecto gracias al diseño 3D."
"We are the largest UK independent reprographics company with 26 branches and over 330 employees nationwide and have a group turnover of +£25m. We are proud to be the only reprographics company to hold a Royal Warrant for services to the Royal Household. Since we started in 1969, we've served companies from the small independent, to the large corporation, across all industry sectors. Whether printing invitations for an individual's special occasion, producing materials for national exhibitions, or creating pitch documents for multi-million pound bids, every Hobs customer can be sure they'll benefit from our fast and efficient service and expertise. (...) With a large selection of rapid prototyping technologies at our disposal we can 3D print accurate, colour and detailed scaled models in various durable materials. With over ten years of experience in 3D printing models for the architectural and design industry we are confident that we can produce any 3D model. (...) Should you not have a 3D file for print our experienced CAD team can convert your 2D drawings or laser scanned 'point cloud' data, enabling you to visualise your design in 3D and further enhance your presentations, whether at conceptual or marketing stage."
"Hologram es un estudio de diseño gráfico e impresión digital especializado en dar todo tipo de soluciones gráficas, desde el primer diseño, hasta el acabado final pasando por la impresión. Además hemos adaptado la nueva tecnología de impresión y diseño 3D, lo que nos abre un gran abanico de posibilidades para particulares y negocios. En hologram abarcamos un gran campo dentro de las artes gráficas pues aunamos las artes gráficas convencionales (diseño gráfico, impresión láser, gran formato, tarjetas, folletos…) con la tecnología 3D (Diseño e impresión 3D) pudiendo representar su idea no sólo en el papel, sino en el espacio, dando un mejor servicio y asesoramiento para dotar al diseño y producto final de calidad y originalidad."
"En la imprenta HOME PRINT nos dedicamos a todo lo relacionado con la impresión. Llevamos varios años en el sector y haciendo que nuestros clientes puedan ganar más dinero dando a conocer su empresa. Con nosotros podrás hacer impresión digital, impresión offset, impresión 3D, decoración, video mapping, creatividad y diseño gráfico."
"En Meneses contamos con un extensisimo catálogo de servicios que puede ir desde la impresión de tarjetas de visita, invitaciones de boda, calendarios personalizados, ampliación de fotos, tesis doctorales, dossiers, folletos.. o cualquier producto que puedas necesitar. (...) Impresión 3D, moldes, escaner 3D"
" es una empresa que inicia su andadura en la red para ofrecer soluciones en impresión offset, impresión digital, e impresión de gran formato. Además hemos implementado la impresión 3D. El procedimiento es exactamente igual al de cualquier proceso de impresión, pero, lo verdaderamente distinto, es que materializa el proyecto en tres dimensiones a partir de un fichero .STL, que se puede generar a partir de cualquier software de modelado técnico, del tipo Autocad o de modelado como 3D Studio Max. trata de acercar ésta tecnología no sólo a empresas de perfil técnico, sino a autónomos y particulares que deseen materializar sus proyectos."
"Impresión digital. Impresión 3D. Impresión Offset. Cartelería multiformato."
"Impresión digital. Impresión 3D. Impresión Offset. Cartelería multiformato."
KKP (Canadá)
"KKP provides printing, digital production, on demand, wide format, design, copying, black and white, digital, engineering, 4 colour print, offset printing, brochures, direct mail, posters, signs and 3D Printing." (...) "3D Printing has never been so easy! We can guide you in turning your ideas into physical parts and functional prototypes, even low volume production part runs, with the right application of 3D printing technologies and materials to meet your requirements."
KWIK KOPY (Australia)
We can manage your 3D print job from start to finish including:
3D Scanning
If you’ve got something in mind already we can create exact replicas of almost any object OR we can coordinate a high resolution photography shoot of an object to be replicated.
3D Design
We can start with initial concepts and build a 3D printing ready file.
3D Print
We can produce your design in 3D using a variety of materials and sizes, the possibilities are endless.
3D print is a specialised service and is currently available at:
Kwik Kopy Bondi Junction
Shop 2, 64 Bronte Road
Bondi Junction NSW 2022
Ph: (02) 9389 3199
LITOGI (Italia)
"Dinamici e sempre alla ricerca di nuove soluzioni, trasformiamo la vostra idea in carta stampata fornendo su ogni prodotto la soluzione ottimale di stampa per qualità e prezzo. (...) Realizzazione di oggetti con polveri plastiche legate con materiali acrilici o stampa a filamento plastico; indicato per la realizzazione di prototipi industriali."
"El desarrollo e innovación constante tanto a nivel humano como tecnológico y los veinte años de experiencia en el sector de la fotomecánica e impresión, nos han colocado en el mercado como un referente en el servicio integral de las artes gráficas en Bilbao (Bizkaia). Disponemos en nuestras instalaciones de los últimos medios para el desarrollo y ejecución de cualquier producto impreso. Disponemos de una amplia gama de soluciones en modelado 3D para su desarrollo en medios publicitarios"

"Nacimos en 1998, con una vocación inicial de complementar a otras empresas del grupo que, abrumadas por los continuos avances tecnológicos tenían la necesidad de mejorar su oferta en reprografía e impresión digital. (...) A menudo nos hemos encontrado que teníamos que poner en marcha la publicidad de un lanzamiento y el producto todavía estaba en fase de fabricación, es entonces cuando el 3D nos ha resultado muy útil para mostrar al cliente el aspecto final del trabajo, añadir efectos y perspectivas imposibles, e incluso realizar visitas virtuales animadas."

"Contamos con 3 impresoras de distintas características. Un vaporizador de grandes dimensiones para pulir superficies y dar terminaciones perfectas."
MP REPRO (Canada)
"MP Repro offre une gamme complète de solutions d’impression à valeur ajoutée. En combinant un équipement de pointe, une expertise en impression sur toutes surfaces, et un service de livraison rapide et personnalisé, nous sommes un partenaire de choix pour tout projet d’impression. MP Repro est devenu un chef de file dans le service d’impression en 3D et dans le découpage CNC pour les modèles en 3D. Nos techniciens hautement qualifiés emploient la technologie la plus récente afin d’apporter des solutions 3D personnalisées et innovatrices aux entreprises et aux particuliers œuvrant dans les domaines du design industriel, de la fabrication, de l’ingénierie, de la construction, de l’architecture, des soins de santé et autres domaines connexes."
"NRI provides technology, data management and integrated digital document management solutions to businesses of all types, using state-of-the-art proprietary technology, at client sites and in our production centers. Balancing model-making artistry and expertise in various fabrication technologies, NRI's 3D Labs offer the beginner and advanced 3D designer the ability to transform their computer-generated models into real, physical objects. Using our 3D solutions gives you more time to work on design innovation and reduces time spent on fabrication."
OEDIM (España)
"Oedim SL es una sociedad 100% Española que cuenta con una experiencia de mas de 19 años en impresión digital de gran formato. Nuestra planta de producción de 11.000 m2 se encuentra en Jaén y dispone de la tecnología mas innovadora apoyada por un equipo humano de mas de 50 profesionales. Imprimimos y fabricamos el 100% de lo que vendemos a través de nuestra plataforma online Colaboramos estrechamente con otros profesionales del sector para realizar grandes campañas de manera conjunta en el mínimo plazo posible. Si necesitas un Partner de Impresión Digital en Gran Formato, puedes confiar en nosotros."
"Maintain a professional image with our wide range of personal and business print services. Take the hard work out of ordering by using our online DIY products or talk to a print specialist today about your needs. (...) 3D Printing is an exciting technology that lets you bring your creative ideas to life in three dimensions. Whether you need an object scanned or printed in 3D. Officeworks is here to help."
"OneLevel Studios offers graphic design, web design, premium full color printing and 3D printing services with fast turnarounds at competitive prices. Our goal is to become a major player in the 3D Marketing industry which uses 3D scanning, 3D design and digital production techniques such as 3D printers to create new tangible marketing materials. We specialize in creating custom 3D printed marketing items such as: Promotional Items, Presentation Pieces and Giveaways. For the last few years we have been exploring new ways of bringing the latest innovations to our clients with 3D Printing technology."
PIXOPERFECT (United States & Canada)
"PixoPerfect offers quality print products at an affordable rate, backed by over 20 years of commercial printing. Our team of experienced designers can help you achieve your goal with any creative design project. If you are a hobbyist, inventor, educator, or a manufacturer, 3D printing is the ideal solution for you. 3D printing technology has revolutionized industries and changes the way people create things. 3D printing is the future and we are fully invested in it. Now you can have your three dimensional object printed online without investing in any equipment. Just send your STL file to us and we print them up for you and ship it directly to you. We use state of the art 3D printing equipment and FDM technology (Fused Deposition Modeling) to builds your objects from top to bottom by extruding heated thermoplastic filament layer by layer. The possibilities are endless when it comes to 3D printing. "
PRINTOSTAT (United States)
"For more than 60 years, Print-O-Stat has been the leading provider of products and services for a variety of businesses, including Construction, Architecture, Engineering, Manufacturing, Design, and many others both large and small. Headquartered in York, Pennsylvania, Print-O-Stat has eleven locations to serve its clients in the Mid-Atlantic Region. Our company is a third generation family-owned and operated organization. (...) With today's quickening pace of getting products and designs to customers faster than ever before, isn't it comforting to know that you now have the ability to get your ideas out of your 3D software and produce functional 3D models that can be easily shared, critiqued, and improved. Our 3D Modeling / Printing Service provides just that capability. Enabling anyone, from engineers to architects, who design in the 3D world, to benefit from this service. (...) The 3D models give the clients a hands-on feel and visual representation that cannot be illustrated by renderings alone. (...) Our service enables companies who have low volume needs of 3D printing to avoid purchasing and maintaining their own equipment. (...) All that is required of you is a simple outputted STL file format from your 3D file."
Pro3D (Chile)
"Somos una empresa dedicada al diseño gráfico, principalmente imagen corporativa y papelería, impresión de materiales gráficos como: trípticos, dípticos, flyers, afiches, tarjetas de presentación, invitaciones, libros de fotos (photo book), corte de vinilos y recuerdos, además hacemos encuadernaciones encoladas, cosidas y anilladas. Realizamos merchandising para empresas, como agendas, magnéticos, llaveros, adhesivos, bolsas serigrafiadas, calendarios, etc. También contamos con prototipado rápido por medio de impresión 3d, ploteo de planos e imágenes de gran escala, impresión láser y tinta."
"3D PRINTING. Traditional prototyping is expensive and time consuming. We utilize today’s latest technology to produce accurate and durable models and prototypes in record time. Designers are able to systematically eliminate many common causes of errors which help reduce costs and keep project budgets and timelines on track. Improve communication between design and production. Make decisions faster by reviewing tangible objects. Identify form, fit, function and error of a product. Create sample parts out of less expensive material before committing to final product. Reduce development costs and improve speed to market.
Models/Prototypes/Custom-fit working parts."
REPROHAUS (United States)
"The advantage of 3-D printing your high-definition models means you no longer have to wait for prototypes. Color models communicate more information than any other type of rapid prototype, providing you with a strategic advantage in product development. With the latest technology, you will receive the most accurate representation of your 3-D data available in the market today. Realistic color models communicate more information than any other type of rapid prototype, providing you with a strategic advantage distinguishing your ideas and communicating them effectively."
"Servicios de impresión 3D e impresión digital en Zaragoza. En Lusar Reprográficas y Lusar 3D ofrecemos todos los servicios de impresión disponibles. Con más de 20 años de experiencia, somos pioneros en Aragón. Descubre todos nuestros servicios y no dudes en contactarnos ante cualquier duda o petición. Ofrecemos servicios a particulares y a empresas de todos los sectores. Estamos en el centro de Zaragoza."

"We have become the leader in Digital Printing and Reproduction Services in Charlotte. Visit one of our three locations today and see how Richa can help you with all of your printing and copying needs. (...) From visual 3D renderings, walk-through animations, and 3D printing of architectural models, prototypes and topographies, Richa is your one stop firm for all of your 3D needs. (...) Rapid 3D printing of high-definition models means you no longer have to wait for prototypes. (...) Richa can take your CAD file and amend it into a printable 3D file to produce a prototype that your design team can review. (...) Richa Graphics still finds 3D to be a phenomenon that plays with our imaginations. From creating abstract 3D art company logos and even inanimate objects, Richa will be glad to join you in your own endeavour with your imagination. Richa would be proud to assist you with your personal 3D vision, as learning is a process that we find the most valuable in what we do."
SERICUM (España)
Calle Ebro 33
28840 Mejorada del Campo
Madrid, Spain
TEL. +34 916 713 502
FAX +34 916 740 329
Carrer Estació , 38 - 40
08650 Sallent, BarcelonaTeléfono: 938 37 12 38
Stampa 3D. I progetti 3D su misura si stanno affermando sempre di più come una grande opportunità in numerosi settori e sono la chiave di volta per soluzioni all’avanguardia, capaci di unire creatività e funzionalità al tempo stesso. Che cos’è la stampa 3D? La stampa 3D è una tecnologia che permette di realizzare oggetti tridimensionali mediante produzione additiva, partendo da un modello 3D digitale. Il modello digitale viene prodotto con software dedicate e successivamente elaborato per esser poi realizzato, strato dopo strato, attraverso una stampante 3D. Quali sono i vantaggi? L’innovativa tecnologia della stampa 3D consente di abbattere notevolmente i tempi e i costi di produzione, realizzando pezzi unici oppure in serie in modo rapido ed efficace, senza limiti di creatività e immaginazione, sia nelle forme che nelle dimensioni. Quali sono le applicazioni? Mettere in atto le potenzialità di questa nuova tecnologia si sta rivelando una strategia vincente in molti settori e non esistono limiti di applicazione: progetti 3D su misura, opere d’arte, scenografie, restauri artistici, manichini, allestimenti vetrine, retail design, allestimenti fieristici, interior design, poster e manifesti 3D.
"Spot On Graphix is an operating division of Charlotte-based Duncan-Parnell, Inc. Duncan-Parnell has a long history in large-format graphic printing dating back into the 1980's. (...) Spot On Graphix now offers 3D print services! 3D printing helps you build speed and efficiency into your design process and the highest quality into your products. The result is a complete physical modeling solution delivered in full-color."
STAPLES (United States)
"This is a great addition for our business customers that are looking for an easy way to prototype with quick turnaround time, and at an affordable price. (Behzad Soltani, Staples vice president of eCommerce services)."
STYLO GRAPHICS (United Kingdom)
"We all think we know a little about 3D printing right?…those desktop machines that can make a handgun or parts for aeroplanes. We’ve heard those stories too. But what about a 3D printer that can produce superb results up to 1.8 metres high by 1.5 metres wide. What can you create with that? The answer is fantastic, impactful displays that will increase footfall and add dwell time. Just imagine the selfies!!! Lightweight, strong, illuminated from within where 3D production methods for a short run make the costs entirely justifiable. But forget the budget for a minute and embrace the beautiful and new."
"3D printing is making profound changes across industries including fashion and consumer goods, computer games and toys, medical devices and reconstructive surgery. The Color Company are the first printers to bring 3D printing to the high street in London, making it more accessible. 3D print is ideal for the rapid prototyping needs of companies producing Consumer Goods and Electronics, Medical Devices as well as Rapid Prototyping Service Bureaus and Design Consultancies. For Engineers or Designers to enable the successful delivery of product concept to creation, our 3D printing solution can easily make Concept Models for reviewing designs in 3D and finding errors early, Presentation Models for marketing photos, packaging development, etc., and Fit/Form/Function Models for ergonomic tests and prototyping"
"3D imaging can change the way we print and view imagery, whether it be a work of art or an eye-grabbing piece of marketing. Imagine a vivid image that you can feel, that is as rich in color as its textures. This is now a new possibility with the latest in textured printing, using the most recent advancements in 3D technology."

"The Printing House Ltd is very excited to be at the forefront of this emerging technology; our involvement in this space demonstrates our belief that 3D printing technologies now make it possible for every business to quickly and affordably render ideas, develop new products and prototypes, or even bring legacy parts back to life. With our 3D capabilities and the help of our in-house specialists, if you can imagine it, we can make it." (Jamie O'Born, TPH® President)
THE UPS STORE (United States)
"The UPS Store® concept was introduced in 1980 as Mail Boxes Etc.® -a convenient alternative to the post office. Throughout its evolution, it has continued to define and lead the business services category it created. In 2001, UPS® acquired Mail Boxes Etc., Inc. In 2003, the two companies introduced The UPS Store® brand. On April 7, 2003, approximately 3,000 Mail Boxes Etc. locations in the United States (at the time, nearly 90% of the domestic U.S. network) re-branded as The UPS Store and began offering lower (around 20% on average) UPS-direct shipping rates. In 2012, Mail Boxes Etc., Inc. became The UPS Store, Inc. The centers remain locally owned and operated, and continue to offer a variety of packing, shipping, freight, postal, printing and business services, with convenient locations and world-class service. (...) Let your ideas take shape with 3D printing. You can use 3D printing for prototypes or one-of-a-kind items. Let The UPS Store® bring your ideas to life. We can even use your 3D CAD file. (...) Our 3D printers can create complex parts so you are not dependent on a CNC machine. (...) Most items that are smaller than a breadbox and can be made out of single color of plastic are perfect for 3D printing. (...) You can work in just about any 3D architectural design program and then export to common 3D CAD file types. (...) The UPS Store continues to expand 3D printing services nationwide to meet the growing demands of its small business customers. 3D printing now available at more than 60 The UPS Store locations!"
TYCO PRINTING (United States)
"Michael Iannuzzi opened TYCO's doors in 1971. While TYCO initially focused on serving the academic community, it has grown into a full service copying and printing facility capable of providing a wide range of services. TYCO's client base has also grown over the years and now includes a host of professionals from all areas of business, academia and many individuals throughout New Haven and greater Connecticut."
WARWICK PRINT (United Kingdom)
"3D printing is the next big technological innovation. To help you stay ahead of the game, Warwick Print now provide a 3D printing facility. How do I place an order? Firstly you will need to provide a 3D model of the object you would like to print. Working with STL files, a universal format supported by most 3D software packages, you can create your own or find models other people have made at one of several online resources. Once you have the STL files, proceed to the instant quote page, upload your files and add to cart and checkout."
WePrint (Ireland)
" was created to make ordering your printing and promotional material easier than ever before. Our online printing store makes it quick and easy to order flyers, business cards, brochures, booklets, stationery, advertising and party banners, wedding invitations, memorial cards and lots more, we provide a full range of products for both business and personal use. (...) Our specialised 3D printing service includes SLA ( Stereolithography ) Printing, Photopolymer Printing and Metal Cusing."
1001FA IMPRESION (España)
"1001FA se constituye en 1983, para ofrecer sus servicios de reprografía a empresas y particulares. (...) 1001FA comenzó su trayectoria profesional en el mundo de las artes gráficas, pasando por constantes cambios intentando siempre mantener nuestros sistemas actualizados adaptándonos a los tiempos y así hemos procedido en los últimos 15 años hasta incorporar la impresión digital. (...) Somos una empresa pionera en la impresión 3d profesional. Comprendiendo que cada cliente es único. Damos soluciones innovadores a cualquier negocio o particular."
16 Print (United Kingdom)
"3D Printing in Birmingham. Take your 3D CAD designs from on-screen to in-hand with realistic 3D models. It’s all possible with 16printing, your local & reliable 3D printing company based in Birmingham. We can help you print your dreams!!!"
4 COLORES (España)
"Gracias a las impresoras 3D podemos realizar de forma sencilla todo aquello que desee en plástico de gran resistencia, ya sea una sola pieza o varias, según las dimensiones de su proyecto."
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ResponderEliminarEfectivamente, el enlace ya no funciona, por lo cual agradezco el comentario. Afortunadamente el panorama ha cambiado, y ya hay muchas más empresas de Artes Graficas (dentro y fuera de España) que se han subido al carro de la Impresión 3D. Publicaré la lista completa acto seguido en este post. Gracias de nuevo a la persona que envió el comentario.